Go method
Go methods are always bound to an object instance and implicitly take the instance as the first argument (known as the receiver).
func (receiverVariableName ReceiverType) MethodName(parameterList) (returnTypeList) {
//Method body
Go methods are always used in conjunction with Go structs. This means that methods define behaviors that are specific to a given struct type. By defining methods on a struct, you can encapsulate both the data (the fields of the struct) and the operations that can be performed on that data (the methods) within a single type. This promotes encapsulation, a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming.
In the context of Go, it's important to note that Go does not have traditional classes in the sense that other languages like Java or C++ do. Instead, Go uses structs to group data, and methods to define behaviors that can operate on those structs. This approach is often referred to as "structured typing" or "compositional typing" in Go.
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πππ γBTTH Year EP109γXiao Yixian fight scene and Xiao Yan arrived in time to rescue her